Monday, November 24, 2008

Series of Menorrhagia Articles

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Menorrhagia Articles Written By Kyle J. Norton

1. Understand your menstrual cycle
Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining. It is normal to the reproductive system of women and happens on a regular basis. Normal menstruation happens around 3 to 7 days. During the monthly menstrual cycle, female sex hormones prepare the uterus to support a pregnancy. If pregnancy happens ( remember do not drink more than one cup of wine a day, over dose of alcohol will drain the vital folic acid that is essential for fetus nourishment. Lack of folic acid may cause birth defect ) menstruation will be suspended until given birth to a child, abortion, or miscarriage.

2. Types of Mentruation Disorders
Most women get through their monthly periods easily with no problem at all, other women experience many physical and emotional symptoms just before during or after menstruation from irregular menstruation, excessive blood discharge, delay of menstruation, menstrual cramps and many other symptoms. In this article, we will discuss types of menstrual disorders.

3. Menstruation Disorder V - Understanding Menorrhagia - Definition, Causes and Symptoms
The last stage of the menstrual cycle is the shedding of an endometrial lining's blood vessels. Normally,the process of blood forming clots occurs(coagulation) to limit and repair the damaged blood vessel resulting in a stoppage of blood flow. Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period with excessive menstrual bleeding lasting longer than 7 days or blood loss exceeding 80 ml caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus.

4. Menstruation Disorder VI - How to Treat Menorrhagia With Foods
Flax contains high amounts of omega 3 fatty acid and lignans. It also is a powerful antioxidant. Besides working together with vitamin K in helping the circulation of blood and providing blood clotted vessels, it also helps to reducing pain caused by menorrhagia.

5. Menstruation Disorder VII - How to Treat Menorrhagia With Nutritional Supplements
Iron is essential for women suffering from menorrhagia. Since excessive bleeding causes the loss of iron causing iron deficiency, without enough iron our body cannot reproduce red blood cells to replace those lost in bleeding resulting in symptoms of paller, weakness, fatigue as well as increasing the risk of inflammation.

6. Menstruation Disorder IX - How to Treat Menorrhagia With Chinese Herbs
Chinese Angelica is a sturdy perennial plant that is native to China and Japan. It has been used for over 5000 years in traditional Chinese medicine in treating an overall tonic for the reproductive system as well as balancing hormones and it is also used to relieve the discomforts of premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhagia. It is well known as female ginseng.

7. Menstruation Disorder VIII - How to Treat Menorrhagia With Herbs
Manjishta is is a climbing plant found in the Himalayas and hill stations in India. It has been used to treat hepatic obstructions. Root paste removes freckles, and discoloration of the skin, blood circulation and purification, cancer and diarrhea. Manjishta has the same properties like ginger, it helps to reduce menstrual cramps as well as regulating blood flow during menstruation.

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